myth of equality

Talent is overrated in business precisely because business success requires a very well-rounded skill set. On the other hand, there are many areas where talent still rules. (e.g. dance, music, mathematics, chess, athletics) Nevertheless people like Gladwell continue to believe that one can master any subject by devoting 10,000 hours to it. This is complete bullshit. He obviously has had no teaching experience. Talent distinguishes itself really early on. It is impossible to create a master painter out of a random selected person by brute practice alone. Same holds for mathematics.

For some reason, our generation is obsessed with democratization. We are constantly bombarded with the message that we can achieve anything if we really wanted to. We are all supposedly born equal. Genes and gender are claimed to make no difference, despite the mountains of evidence that they do.

The myth of equality is more damaging to the society than the belief that only talented people can succeed. It creates unrealistic expectations and dismisses the important role played by random circumstantial factors. People everywhere are blaming themselves for being a failure. It is a widespread, sick psychological situation, partly fueled by influential populists like Gladwell.