B2B vs B2C

B2B businesses are based on logic. Rational types can excel in directing such businesses. In fact, you can be autistically incapable of forming empathy based relations, but nevertheless still be a great B2B CEO.

B2C, on the other hand, is about perception, values, trends, needs and tastes. It is about watching for clues, understanding behaviour, sensing zeitgeist, forming an emotional contact. Great B2B CEOs can fail completely at B2C businesses. Just as developers can be completely UI/UX blind.

In the end, all B2B businesses owe their existence to B2C businesses. In other words, pillars of our whole economy are based on things as fudgy as aesthetics and values.

After all we are all humans, right? It should be not be a surprise that shiny beautiful buttons dominate the scene while math is pushed to the background.